Friday, January 24, 2020

Hearts, Hearts and Narwhals? - with Cyndy G

Good morning crafty friends.  Sorry it has been so long since I posted anything.  The Holiday season is a crazy time in my home.  I hope you enjoyed the season with family and friends.  Today I have got a lot of "Love" to share with you so lets not waste anymore time and start with new Heart box cards:

Up first is CG Floating Hearts Box Card.  This card not only has hearts coming out the top it has a layered heart effect in the center.  With three inserts in this box card you really get a lot of dimension. 

Floating Hearts Box Card SVG

The next card is the romantic CG Valentine Hearts Box Card.  This is also very quick to put together.  It has only one insert and there is plenty of space to stamp a sentiment to the center of the heart.

Heart Valentine Box Card SVG

Then there is the CG Loves Notes Box Card.  You may recognize this card from an earlier design of mine.  It has been updated and I think improved.  When you want to send a little love.
Love Notes Box Card SVG

The next two files were a special request from my daughter.  The CG Narwhal Belly Box.  This box can actually be used as a belly box (pictured) or you can make it as a booty box and assemble the "box" behind the Narwhal's head.  Either way what child won't love this!

Narwhal Belly Box SVG

There is also a very easy Valentine you can have your child make the CG Narwhal Valentine.  This cute little Valentine holds a pencil or a twist sucker that become the Narwhal's horn.

Narwhal Valentine Card SVG

All my files available on Cyndy G SVG 

Thank you for stopping by.

I would love to have you join my fan page on FaceBook:  Cyndy G SVG - Fan Page
Stop by and share the projects you have made using my files.

Do what inspires you,
Cyndy G

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